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BSU serves as an umbrella organization which works with all African (black) students and organizations. The organization plans to focus on networking for the future and providing resources and access to future students through planning events, gatherings,  and dinners that empower and uplift the culture of black students of SJSU. 


BSU currently seeks to rebuild and strengthen its numbers on-campus! With the help of on-campus support from past, present, and future students.  The approaching fall 2022 - 2023 semester we seek to reignite the legacy of the BSU. 

Our motto is to forever moving forward always.


Feel free to explore the rest of the site, where you can find all things SJSU BSU!!


BSU Constitution
2023 - 2024

Below you find the BSU Constitution for 2023 - 2024, as of now the BSU will follow the articles of the BSU listed below.

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