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Welcome to SJSU
Black Student Union

Forever Moving Forward

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Unite, Network, Educate, and Enrich

black students at San José State University

 As of now (2022-2024) the BSU is currently focusing on rebuilding. Due to the pandemics effects on University life the BSU suffered a loss in community engagement. We now seek to reignite interactions within the black community at San Jose State University. The goal still remains to unite, network, educate, and enrich black students at San José State University. BSU will now seek to build upon the legacy that was originally established in the past. The black student union will seek to maintain present relationships and maintain past relationships within the black community on and off-campus. As we move forward into the future we must understand the rich legacy of the black community at sjsu.  BSU will seek to collaborate with other student organizations in order to unite  and advocate for the rights of all black students. BSU serves as an umbrella organization which works with all African (black) students and organizations. The organization plans to focus on networking for the future and providing resources and access to future students through planning events, gatherings,  and dinners that empower and uplift the culture of black students of SJSU.

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All About SJSU
Black Student Union

Get in Touch

Contact Us

500 Terry Francois Street, 6th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94158


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